Category: Genesis (Audio)

Cameos of Character, Session 1
Genesis 39 Definition of Education Speaker defines education as transitioning from unconscious to conscious ignorance Character…

Creation, Redemption, and God's Sovereignty
Genesis 1:1-2:3 Importance of Studying Genesis 1-11 Why study Genesis 1-11, specifically versus other parts of…

Bruce Fong in Chapel in Houston
Bruce Fong presents his chapel message on God's omnipresence and manifest presence to believers in Christ…

The Davidic Covenant: Hymnic Literature
Bruce Waltke analyzes the Psalms and their structure, history, and theological implications. Opening Prayer Thanksgiving for…

The Secret to Sustained Success
Bryan Carter teaches on spiritual maturity at Fall Chapel in 2005. Opening Prayer Request for God’s…

Themes Pertaining to Nation: God's Name
Bruce Waltke discusses the theological themes regarding the name of the Lord throughout the Old and…

Home and Family: Knowing your Child Intimately
Chuck Swindoll identifies the core problems with modern families and encourages parents to train their children…

The Abrahamic Covenant: Genesis 12-15
Bruce Waltke discusses how the Abrahamic Covenant relates to the themes of creation, the Fall, and…

You Can't Have One without the Other
Chuck Swindoll discusses faith and works and the relationship between them. Faith and Works Faith Demonstrated…

Jacob, Don't Fight with God
Genesis 32:24-30 Main Theme Crisis experiences of some of God's people The misconception that dedicated Christians…

Alleged Bible Contradictions and Problems, Lesson 2
Genesis 1:27 Introduction Identifying two groups claiming errors in the Bible: Non-Christians who view alleged contradictions…

Introduction to Biblical Theology
Bruce Waltke gives an introduction to Biblical theology and the major overview of the Scriptural narrative.…

The Fall and Adamic Covenant: Genesis I
Genesis 2, 3 Foundations of Old Testament Theology Examination of the primary history from Genesis through…

Genesis and the Covenant of Creation: Genesis I
Bruce Waltke gives an outline of Genesis in its literary, historical, and scientific contexts. Analysis of…

Introduction to Genesis
Bruce Waltke teaches a brief introduction to Genesis, including its historical context, themes, and how it…

Basis, Task, and Method
Bruce Waltke covers the basis, task, method, and history of Biblical theology, contrasting it against systematic…

Ministry Essentials: The Priority of Accountability and Vulnerability
Chuck Swindoll emphasizes the importance of accountability and vulnerability in ministry. Introduction: The Call to Be…

A Story of Obedience, Abraham
Chuck Swindoll exposits the story of Abraham and Isaac and explains how it signifies a test…

Scientific Reasons to Believe
Romans 5:12, Genesis 3 Introduction of Reasons to Believe: Reasons to Believe is a group of…

4. Translating the Bible: An Ongoing Process
Bruce Metzger concludes his series on Bible translation. Overview of Contemporary English Bible Translations Historical Perspective…

2. Translating the Bible: An Ongoing Process
Bruce Metzger talks about translation philosophy and how Bible translations have changed over time. Theories of…

3. Translating the Bible: An Ongoing Process
Bruce Metzger discusses difficulties in translating the Bible and expresses prayers for wisdom on the subject.…

Joseph, A Person of Conviction
Genesis 37-39 God's Method in a Corrupt Society God's Method: Placing a clean person in a…

Our Misery: Dealing with Selfish Pride
Chuck Swindoll discusses how to overcome selfish pride: through listening to Jesus' teachings on humility by…