Category: Luke (Audio)

Conditions of Discipleship
Luke 14:25-35 Introduction: The Call to Discipleship (Luke 14:25-35) Scripture Reading Jesus’ radical call to discipleship…

The Place of Prayer in Our Lives
Charles Stanley emphasizes the importance of prioritizing prayer in our lives as Christians. Introduction Speaker addresses…

Christmas 2017 Message
Luke 2:1-20 Discussion on the Birth of Christ C.S. Lewis's quote about the birth of Christ…

Balancing Behavior with Belief
Chuck Swindoll discusses the things we can learn from James' epistle about the relationship between our…

Where Have All the Neighbors Gone
Chuck Swindoll discusses the meaning of the teaching "Love your neighbor" as exemplified by Matthew 25…

When You Disagree, Will You Do It Graciously?
Chuck Swindoll explores how to handle disagreements in ministry with grace. Introduction and Question: Opening reflection…

Our Model: Washing One Another's Feet
Chuck Swindoll shows the Christian the Biblical model of humility by discussing Jesus washing the disciples'…

More About Peace
Bill Bryan teaches on what we can gather from Jesus' promise that he will leave and…

A Helpful Analysis
Chuck Swindoll expounds further on the use of the tongue in thanksgiving, wisdom, and praise. Introduction…

You Can't Have One without the Other
Chuck Swindoll discusses faith and works and the relationship between them. Faith and Works Faith Demonstrated…

4. Translating the Bible: An Ongoing Process
Bruce Metzger concludes his series on Bible translation. Overview of Contemporary English Bible Translations Historical Perspective…

2. Translating the Bible: An Ongoing Process
Bruce Metzger talks about translation philosophy and how Bible translations have changed over time. Theories of…

3. Translating the Bible: An Ongoing Process
Bruce Metzger discusses difficulties in translating the Bible and expresses prayers for wisdom on the subject.…

12B. What is Sanctification
Bill Bryan teaches on sanctification, sin, and the Christian's walk with God. Phases of Sanctification Past…

Dynamics of Discipleship, Part 3
Luke 6:12-19 Introduction Focus on Discipleship Dynamics Transition from discussing dynamics to answering "how" to disciple…

Christmas Connections
Luke 2:8-18 The Announcement to the Shepherds Angelic appearance and the shepherds' fear The angel's message…

Ministry Essentials: The Willingness to Forgive – Forgiveness
Chuck Swindoll emphasizes the importance of forgiveness from God and toward people in ministry. Ministry Essentials…

Postmodern: Theology, Atonement, Eschatology, Scripture
Brian McLaren teaches on the transition from modern to postmodern thought and how it impacts our…

Pieces of One, Part 4, The One Mission
Luke 10:1-24 Introduction Theological Reflection in Hollywood Suggestion for a new Oscar category: Best missed theological…

Four Qualities for Fulfilling Your Ministry
Charles Stanley teaches on four qualities that a good ministry should have for success in the…

The Wrong Response to Stress
Chuck Swindoll explains what not to do in response to anxiety, contrasting it with the correct…

The Pattern for Prayer
Luke 11 Introduction Opening Question: Why do people live so badly? Cultural Critique: The lack of…

Encouragement to Pray
Luke 18:1-8 Emphasis on Prayer Reading and Interpretation of Luke 18:1-8 Parable about prayer Misunderstandings of…

Growth Emotionally
Luke 2:52 Introduction A balanced Christian life is essential Luke 2:52 I. The Challenge of a…