Chapel Semester: Spring 2014 Chapels

When God Shoots Down Your Plan
Ben Stuart, Executive Director of Breakaway Ministries, reminds us that when our good plans fail we…

Emerging Adolescence and the Church
Dr. Darrell Bock, Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies,…

Senior Preaching Week: Blessings In Our Home
D.C. Choi, Senior Preacher, DTS, speaks from Psalm 128 reminding us that one who remembers God's…

Senior Preaching Week:Bird Poop, Snoop Dogg, Joseph, and Your Calling
Michael Golden, Senior Preacher, DTS, discusses what we should do when our callings fall apart or…

Senior Preaching Week: Kingdom Values
Tim Atkins, Senior Preacher, DTS, reminds us that being a part of God's kingdom involves the…

Senior Preaching Week: Sifted for Service
Brandon Redic, Senior Preacher, DTS, reminds us that when we are sifted in life we can…

Christ in the Passover
David Brickner, Executive Director of Jews for Jesus, demonstrates a traditional Jewish seder, explaining the symbolism…

The Value of Vulnerability
Dr. Charles Swindoll, Chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary and Senior Pastor of Stonebriar Community Church, teaches…

When David Became Goliath
Dr. Robert Chisholm, Department Chair and Professor of Old Testament at Dallas Seminary, encourages us to…

Principles on the Problem of Evil
Dr. Ron Rhodes, President of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, gives three principles to consider when…

Following the Son of Man(ly)
Dr. Sandra Glahn, Associate Professor of Media Arts & Worship at Dallas Seminary, proclaims that contrary…

Parenting in Grace
Steve Frissell, Family Ministry Pastor at Bent Tree Bible Church, reminds believers that in order to…

Organic Mentoring
George Hillman, the Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Ministries and Leadership at Dallas Seminary, interviews…

Sacrifice and Redemption: Our Life
As DTS once again celebrates the World Evangelization Conference (WEC) week. This year we welcome Dr.…

Sacrifice and Gospel: Our Message
As DTS once again celebrates the World Evangelization Conference (WEC) week. This year we welcome Dr.…

Sacrifice and Priesthood: Our Calling
As DTS once again celebrates the World Evangelization Conference (WEC) week. This year we welcome Dr.…

Sacrifice and Cross: Our Story
As DTS once again celebrates the World Evangelization Conference (WEC) week. This year we welcome Dr.…

Question & Answer with Dr. Tony Evans Day At DTS
Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, sits down with Dr. Mark Yarbrough,…

When God Asks of You Something Great
Dr. Charles R. Swindoll, Chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary and Senior Pastor of Stonebriar Community Church,…

Relating to Those in Need
Dr. Darrell Bock, Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies,…

What's Your Ambition?
Dr. Bill Olsen, a missionary in residence, talks from Romans 15:20-21, reminding believers that the greatest…

The Reality of Disappointment in Ministry
Rev. Andy Wileman, Lead Pastor of Grace Bible Church, speaks from Galatians 2:11-14 about disappointment in…

A Disturbing Question With A Reliable Answer
Dr. Charles Dyer, Professor at Large of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, speaks from Psalm 121…

The Doctrine of Original Sin: A Test Case
Dr. Nathan Holsteen, Associate Professor of Theological Studies, discusses how the doctrine of original sin is…