John C. Dyer
Channeling Eric Liddell, John likes to say, “When I code, I can feel God’s pleasure.” This desire to glorify God by showing how our creativity is an important aspect of our role as image bearers, drives John’s work and teaching. A former youth pastor, he enjoys working with students to see how the biblical story brings insight and clarity to the ideas found in science, sociology, and culture. John is married to Amber, a literature and philosophy professor and has two lovely children.
John C. Dyer’s Books
John C. Dyer’s Publication Articles
- Review of Women and the Gender of God. By Amy Peeler. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans, 2022. In Bibliotheca Sacra. 2023.
- “Bible Apps Are the New Printing Press.” Christianity Today. December 2022.
- “God and Lizards: Sex and the Incarnation.” Fathom Magazine. December 2022.
- Review of Trintarian Dogmatics: Exploring the Grammar of the Christian Doctrine of God. By Glenn Butner. Grand Rapids:Baker, 2022. In Bibliotheca Sacra.
- Review of The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World. By Brett McCracken. Wheaton:Crossway, 2021. In Christianity Today.
- “The Bible and the Bechdel Test: A Data-Driven Approach to Women in the Bible.” Christianity Today. November 2020.
- Review of Three Pieces of Glass: Why We Feel Lonely in a World Mediated by Screens. By Eric O. Jacobsen. Grand Rapids:Baker, 2020. In The Gospel Coalition.
- Review of Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States. By Andrew L. Whitehead, Samuel L. Perry. New York:Oxford, 2020. In Bibliotheca Sacra.
- Review of The Age of AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity. By Jason Thacker. Grand Rapids:Zondervan, 2020. In Bibliotheca Sacra.
- “The Habits and Hermeneutics of Digital Bible Readers: Comparing Print and Screen Engagement, Comprehension, and Behavior.” Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture. 2019.
- “The Virtualization of Culture and the Need for an Embodied Christian Alternative.” Equip. Fall 2017.
- “An Object is Worth a Thousand Pictures: Why I Pursued 3D Printing for Dallas Theological Seminary.” Behemoth Magazine. July 2016.
- Review of Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture. By Heidi Campbell and Stephen Garner. Grand Rapids:Baker, 2016. In The Gospel Coalition. 2016.
- Review of Reclaiming Conversation. By Sherry Turkle. New York:Penguin Press, 2015. In Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. 2016.
- “How Google Hacked Our Imaginations with #IfIHadGlass” Gizmodo. March 13, 2013.
- “Technology and Media Book Roundup”. Books and Culture. 2012
- Review of Christian Ethics in a Technological Age. By Brian Brock. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans, 2010. In Themelios. 2012.
- “Not Many of You Should Presume to Be Bloggers: How Social Media Changed Theological Debate.” Christianity Today. 2011.
- “How to Handle Luddites in the Church.” Collide Magazine. 2011.
- “Information Needs a Compass Not a Clock.” Collide Magazine. 2010.
- “It’s 2010, Where’s My Jetpack?” Collide Magazine. 2010.
- “I Will Remember Your Tweets No More.” Collide Magazine. 2010
- “The Best and the Worst New Tech: What You Least Expect.” Christianity Today. 2009.
- Review of Spirituality Old and New: Recovering Authentic Spiritual Life. By Donald G. Bloesch. Downers Grove:IVP, 2007. In Bibliotheca Sacra. 2008.
- Review of God of Promise: Introducing Covenant Theology. By Michael Horton. Grand Rapids:Baker, 2006. In Bibliotheca Sacra. 2007.
- “Resistance to Methotrexate Due to AcrAB-dependent Export from Escherichia Coli.” Antimicrob Agents Chemother (44:11). Nov 2000. 3210-2.
- “Chemically Induced Dimerization of Dihydrofolate Reductase by a Homobifunctional Dimer of Methotrexate.” Chem Biol (7:5). May 2000. 313-21.
John C. Dyer’s Contributions

Using AI in Ministry
In this episode, Kasey Olander, Bill Hendricks, John Dyer, and Drew Dickens explore the rapidly growing…

Virtual Church and Digital Discipleship
In this episode, Bill Hendricks, Leo Strong, Drs. John Dyer, Jonathan Armstrong, and Darrell Bock, discuss…

Semester-Based Bible Reading Plan
Read the entire Bible in 10 minutes a day during the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters…

Discovering a Theology of Technology – Classic
In this classic episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and John Dyer discuss approaching technology from a biblical…

Cultural Engagement Chapel: Social Media
Dr. Darrell Bock interacts with Dr. George Hillman, VP of Student Services, John Dyer, executive director…

Discovering a Theology of Technology
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and John Dyer discuss approaching technology from a biblical worldview.

What Your Chapel Architecture Says About Your Theology
To finish Arts Week, John Dyer talks with Robert Riggs, VP of Operations at DTS, about…

Theological Reflections on Artificial Intelligence
John Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology at DTS, talks about the advancements of…

The Virtualization of Culture and the Need for Embodied Places and Practices
John Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology at DTS, discusses how technology brings beauty…

Why Pastors and Theologians Need Designers and Coders
John Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology at DTS, begins Arts Week with an…

5 Tips for Handling the New Left Behind Movie
A second film adaptation of the Left Behind novels is about to be released. How can…

9 Ways Technology Will Impact Your Future Ministry
Dr. John Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology, DTS, presents 9 ways technology will…

Thinking Theologically About Technology and Culture
John Dyer, Executive Director of Communications and Educational Technology, DTS, shows how technology is a God-given…

From the Garden to the City: the Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology
This is an excerpt from From the Garden to the City, published by Kregel Publications, 2011.…