Ronald B. Allen
In addition to his teaching responsibilities at DTS, Dr. Allen preaches in churches across the country, speaks at Bible conferences, regularly leads study tours in Israel, Turkey, and Greece, and has been a biblical and theological consultant for Maranatha! Music. He has written a dozen books; was on of the senior editors for The New King James Version; Old Testament; and was the Old Testament editor for both The Nelson Study Bible (also known as The New King James Study Bible) and The Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary. Aside from his academic pursuits, Dr. Allen loves to ride his bicycle—the one that fits into his suitcase—and is licensed as both, a massage therapist and instructor.
Ronald B. Allen’s Books
Ronald B. Allen’s Publication Articles
- “Worship in the Psalms: Exodus 15 and the Praise of God, Part 1.” Reformation & Revival (9:2). 2000. 103-113.
- “Worship in the Psalms: Exodus 15 and the Praise of God, Part 2.” Reformation & Revival (9:3). 2000. 109-118.
- “The Messiah in the Old Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (154). 1997. 497-498.
- “On Paths Less Traveled : Discovering the Savior in Unexpected Places in the Old Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (153). 1996. 387-395.
- “On Paths Less Traveled : Discovering the Savior in Unexpected Places in the Old Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (153). 1996. 259-269.
- “On Paths Less Traveled : Discovering the Savior in Unexpected Places in the Old Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (153). 1996. 131-140.
- “On Paths Less Traveled : Discovering the Savior in Unexpected Places in the Old Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (153). 1996. 3-11.
- “Elijah the Broken Prophet.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (22). 1979. 193-202.
- “The Old Testament in Contemporary Preaching.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (17). 1974. 190-191.
Ronald B. Allen’s Contributions

Yahweh, Shepherd Me Now
Dr. Ron Allen served as a Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary from…

O Christ, Your Wonders Confound Us
Dr. Ron Allen served as a Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary from…

O God, Your Grace Overwhelms Us
Dr. Ron Allen served as a Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary from…

Sola Gratia
Dr. Ronald Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at DTS, discusses how Luther's rediscovery of "grace…

Your Word: A Lamp
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, shares his own story. showing how God's word…

A Talk on Talk
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, talks about talk, pure vs. untrue, and encourages…

And Then We Saw the Storks: God's Loyal Love and DTS
Because of observed devotion to their young, storks suggested to the faith community something of the…

God's Loyal Love
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, reminds us of our 90 year heritage and…

Incongruent and Inappropriate
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, anecdotally addresses Micah 3:11 and how the absence…

A Most Treasured Thing
Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, Dr. Ron Allen, talks about how the Bible - The Word…

Fly, Thought, on Golden Wings
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, DTS, describes the boundlessness of God's care and…

Knowledge, Fear, Wisdom
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, describes knowledge as the stuff of learning, wisdom…

Oh How I Love Your Law, O Lord
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, DTS, explains how the Law (Torah) was a…

You Need to Know Your Dates!
Dr. Ronald B. Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, explains how "knowing your dates" may save…

Let's Turn That Puppy Over
Dr. Ron Allen, senior professor of Bible Exposition, shares the call for silence before God is…

The Circle of Prayer
Dr. Ron Allen, senior professor of Bible Exposition, explores why we invite people to pray with…

The Pleasure of God
Dr. Ron Allen, senior professor of Bible Exposition, explains that the pleasure of God was in…

Seeking Shelter Under God's Protection
Dr. Ronald Allen, senior professor of Bible Exposition, reminds us of God's care for His people.…

Lord Remember David!
Ron Allen, senior professor of Bible Exposition, reads from Psalm 132 and discusses the importance of…

Modeling Christ's Humility
Dr. Ron Allen, senior professor of Bible Exposition, reminds us to guard against "spiritual elitism," which…

Worship in the Epistle to the Ephesians
Dr. Ronald Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, explores the often overlooked theme of worship in…

A Song of My Father
Dr. Ron Allen, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, tells the story of the famous song his…

Does Anything Good Come from Nazareth?
Most believers today have heard of the town of Nazareth where Jesus grew up. However, the…