Susan Perlman
Susan Perlman, a first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York is one of the founders of the organization, Jews for Jesus, which she has served with since 1973. She has a media background and has written evangelistic materials from apologetics articles to tracts to skits to blogs to messianic coloring books. She is the Chief Partnership Officer for Jews for Jesus, creating and expanding partnerships throughout the world. Susan also serves the global Christian community through her service with the Lausanne Movement and MissioNexus as well as Jewish-mission related boards. She is also on the Board of Regents here at DTS. Most recently, Susan served as Study Notes Editor on the Chronological Life Application Study Bible published by Tyndale. Susan’s greatest love is to personally share the gospel with Jewish people one- on-one and with anyone else who needs to know Jesus. She resides in San Francisco and has spent her entire career as a happily single missionary.