Magazine Issue: Winter 2014

The Big Payoff: Church Dumps $9M Debt to Give More, Do More, Reach More
A Texas church’s two-year giving initiative aimed at eliminating their mortgage debt. The goal: to go…

The Problem with Our Abundance
The Sabbath is the Lord’s gift to you . . . (Ex. 16:29). I’ve got too…

Is Tithing Biblical?
I tell my students to give generously, regularly, systematically, and that this should include both their…

The First Principle of Money Management
When an American Christian began training pastors on Mt. Elgon in Kenya about ten years ago,…

Dwell: Life with God for the World
Excerpted from the introduction of Dwell, by Dr. Barry Jones, associate professor of pastoral ministries. The Incarnation…

Five of Christ’s Teachings about Money
Five important themes that emerge from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, excerpted from Living into the…

How Do I Give Wisely?
In a 2012 Christianity Today article, “Cost-Effective Compassion,” economist Bruce Wydick laid out what his research…

How to Vet a Charity
Lenita Dunlap (MA/CE, 2012) is Executive Director at Heart House Dallas, a nonprofit organization that provides…

Jonathan Edwards and the Psalms: A Redemptive-Historical Vision of Scripture
God and Scripture Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give…

Me? Rich?
The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “Command those who are rich in this present world not…

A Professor's Journey from Scientology to Christ
Twenty-five years ago I converted to Christianity. Here is my story of how I “wandered into…

DTS Department Creates Theology Trilogy Together
Nearly a quarter (22%) of evangelicals said God the Father is more divine than Jesus, and…