Scripture: Luke 19

Leading Like Jesus…with TLC
Many people use the initials TLC to mean tender, loving care. When we look at the…

Building Bridges, Cultivating Community: Leadership In Houston
LEADERSHIP EXAMPLES AT HOMEThe development of leaders begins in childhood. The qualities and character people bring…

Riot of Ephesus: The Challenge of a New Identity in Christ
Excavations at Ephesus enable us to picture what we read in Acts. Archaeologists have discovered the…

Leadership Lessons From the Life of Moses
As a young seminarian in the mid-1980s, I carried pain from my family’s past. The origin…

Portrait of a Small-Church Leader
Before I became a DTS student, my wife and I were members of Bethany Bible Church…

A Savior Worth Preaching – Dr. Jason Allen
Dr. Jason Allen serves as the President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Today he shares an…

Jesus was a Good Guest
Dr. Ed Smither is a Professor of History fo Global Christianity and Dean of the College…

The God Who Pursues Us
Pastor Walter Junious of The Cross Church in Houston TX discusses the perseverance and presence of…

Five of Christ’s Teachings about Money
Five important themes that emerge from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, excerpted from Living into the…

The New Community's Ethic
In this excerpt from A Theology of Luke and Acts, Dr. Darrell L. Bock describes how…

Jesus Values Business
In this excerpt from his book, Living into the Life of Jesus, Dr. Klaus Issler explores…

Living Into the Life of Jesus
Excerpt from Living into the Life of Jesus By Dr. Klauss Issler Exemplary Jesus-Practices About Money…

We Gotta Get It Right
President of East-West International Ministries, Mr. John Maisel challenges us with five issues the church needs…

The Human Response to Crisis
From the new release, The Church Leader's Handbook

The Message of 2 Timothy
In conclusion Paul wished the Lord’s ministry of grace on Timothy’s spirit (to encourage him to…

Suit Up and Play
Dallas Seminary's chancellor, Charles R. Swindoll, tells us how to suit up and get in the…