Scripture: Matthew 22


Dr. Daniel Wallace, senior research professor of New Testament Studies at DTS

Christ at the Center – A Bibliology Grounded in Christology

Dr. Dan Wallace, senior research professor of New Testament, offers Bumper Sticker Theology Part Two, discussing…
September 15, 2020

Is Self-Care Selfish?

In this episode, Kasey Olander, French Jones, and Michelle Pokorny discuss why self-care is essential to…
June 18, 2024

Serving a Steady Diet of Healthy Food

As kids grow up, it’s likely that the adults in their lives encourage them to eat…
October 5, 2023

Three Pillars of Endurance

In his new book, Clinging to Hope: What Scripture Says about Weathering Times of Trouble, Chaos,…
October 5, 2023

Bill Hendricks on Legacy & Leadership

AN INTERVIEW BY NEIL R. COULTER & KRAIG MCNUTT Bill Hendricks is the Executive Director for…
October 5, 2023
Orphanage to Ministry

From an Orphanage to a Lifetime of Ministry & Beyond

Vindicate the oppressed and suffering. Rescue the poor and needy. Psalm 82:3-4 Having experienced the life…
October 5, 2023
Leadership During a Crisis

Leadership in Moments of Crisis: A Ministry of Presence

In 2 Corinthians 1:3–5, we read about God using our own experiences to enable us to…
October 5, 2023
Leading Like Jesus

Leading Like Jesus…with TLC

Many people use the initials TLC to mean tender, loving care. When we look at the…
October 5, 2023
Leadership in Houston DTS

Building Bridges, Cultivating Community: Leadership In Houston

LEADERSHIP EXAMPLES AT HOMEThe development of leaders begins in childhood. The qualities and character people bring…
October 5, 2023
Riot of Ephesus

Riot of Ephesus: The Challenge of a New Identity in Christ

Excavations at Ephesus enable us to picture what we read in Acts. Archaeologists have discovered the…
October 5, 2023
Leadership Lessons from Life of Moses

Leadership Lessons From the Life of Moses

As a young seminarian in the mid-1980s, I carried pain from my family’s past. The origin…
October 5, 2023
small church leader

Portrait of a Small-Church Leader

Before I became a DTS student, my wife and I were members of Bethany Bible Church…
October 5, 2023

Discipleship Curriculum

In this episode, Darrell Bock, Ken Horton, and John Tolson discuss how to approach discipleship with…
January 24, 2023
Dr. Bock and guests recording The Table podcast

Jesus and the Royal Psalms – Classic

In classic this episode, Mikel Del Rosario, Darrell Bock, and Gordon Johnston discuss the Royal Psalms…
December 21, 2021

Sticks & Stones: The Power of Our Words

As a result of their creation by God, humans have dignity. That all humans are imagers…
April 13, 2021
Dr. Daniel Wallace, senior research professor of New Testament Studies at DTS

Christ at the Center – A Bibliology Grounded in Christology

Dr. Dan Wallace, senior research professor of New Testament, offers Bumper Sticker Theology Part Two, discussing…
September 15, 2020
Dr. Bock and guests recording The Table podcast

Jesus and the Royal Psalms

In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario, Darrell Bock, and Gordon Johnston discuss the Royal Psalms in…
December 17, 2019
man standing next to podium speaking at DTS Chapel

The Greatest Commandment

Wayne Walker, pastor and executive director of OurCalling, talks about the greatest commandment, to love God…
October 11, 2019
Professor at desk teaching students

What Kind of Character Does a Leader Need?

When Drs. Howard Hendricks (ThM, 1950) and Don Campbell (ThM, 1951; ThD, 1953) founded The Center for…
March 8, 2019

Three Ways the Content of our Prayer Exposes our Theology

When churches introduce the topic of prayer, people often experience anxiety in two areas. They fear…
May 25, 2017
Can You Love God and Your Job

Can You Love God and Your Job?

If you did a double-take on the title of this piece, there’s a good chance you…
February 20, 2017

The Covenant of Singleness: The Bible and Church History

The Hebrew understanding of man and woman forcefully urged marriage and offspring as essential to Israel’s…
June 12, 2015

How to Engage Your Mind in Seminary without Losing Your Heart

As the logic goes, one can either engage God with the mind or one can engage…
August 20, 2012

Dallas Theological Seminary

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