Scripture: Proverbs 30

Seeing God in the World Around Us
In this episode, Kymberli Cook talks with Dr. Robert K. Johnston about natural theology, focusing on…

Four Ways Too Wonderful for Me
Yaohui Lu, campus minister of Houston Chinese Church Pearland Campus in Pearland, TX, speaks to leaders…

Vindicating Ishmael
A Westerner who calls someone a donkey intends it as an insult. And this understanding of…

In The Word
Whether dealing with greed or generosity, laziness or work, the Bible has a lot to say…

Who Doesn't Want to Be a Millionaire
According to Servant, buying fifty Lotto tickets weekly increases your odds of winning the jackpot to…

Model the Prayer of Jesus
I have virtually ignored the Lord's Prayer most of my life. In my mind the familiar…

Pattern: The Prayer of Agur
In the past year a great deal of attention has focused on prayer. Books about it…

Seven Everyday Ways to Worship the Lord
Do you want to make worship a bigger part of your daily experience? It's easier than…