Kymberli Cook
Kymberli Cook is the Assistant Director of the Hendricks Center, overseeing the workflow of the department, online content creation, Center events, and serving as Giftedness Coach and Table Podcast Host. She is also a doctoral student in Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, pursuing research connected to unique individuality, the image of God, and providence. When she is not reading for work or school, she enjoys coffee, cooking, and spending time outdoors with her husband and daughters.
Kymberli Cook’s Contributions

The Church in Nigeria
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Emmanuel Sobande, and Niyi Osomo discuss the diversity of Nigeria, the…

Depravity and the Mind
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Rankin Wilbourne, Thomas Dunham, and Lanier Burns discuss how sin impacts…

Dealing with Doubt on the Journey of Faith
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Joshua Chatraw, and Joshua McNall discuss how doubt, when navigated in…

Christians Need Relational Skills Too
In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Ken Sande discuss Sande’s work at Relational Wisdom 360 and…

Ministry Investigations
In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Theresa Lynn Sidebotham discuss best practices for conducting investigations within…

Understanding Dispensationalism
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Glenn Kreider, and Craig Blaising discuss the history, core beliefs, and…

Fashion and Theology – Classic
In this classic episode, Kym Cook, Jacob Taylor and Robert Covolo discuss fashion and faith, focusing…

Exploring Christianity and Philosophy
In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Ross Inman discuss the role of philosophy in the life…

600th Episode: Our Story
In this special episode of the Table Podcast, all of the hosts gather together to discuss…

The Centrality of Scripture
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Stephen Nichols, and Clint Arnold discuss the Bible, focusing on how…

Apologetics, AI, and Fiction
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Darrell Bock, and Michael Svigel discuss Svigel’s novella that explores what…

Shaping Leaders in Shifting Times
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Darrell Bock, Bill Hendricks, Andy Seidel, Andy Wileman, Bill Lawrence, and…

What You Believe About the End Shapes How You Live Now
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Darrell Bock, and Michael Svigel discuss why eschatology is important and…

The Ministry of Women in Scripture
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Milyce Pipkin, Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews discuss the lives of…

Origin of the Soul
In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Joshua Farris discuss the differing views on the origin of…

Predestination and Free Will
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Timothy Yoder, and Paul Smalley discuss free will and predestination, exploring…

How Christians Should Think About the Paranormal – Classic
In this classic episode, Kymberli Cook, Linda Marten, and Scott Horrell discuss the reality of a…

Harry Potter and the Values of the Kingdom – Classic
In this classic episode, Kymberli Cook, Kasey Olander and John Adair discuss Harry Potter and some…

Human Ontology: What It Means To Be Human
In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Daniel Hill examine the important question, “what does it mean…

New "Realities" in the Metaverse
In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Jeff Zweerink discuss the growing popularity of the Metaverse and…

A Christian Approach to Emotions
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Milyce Pipkin, and Alasdair Groves examine healthy and unhealthy approaches to…

The Spirit World in the Old Testament
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Bob Chisholm, and John Walton discuss the reality of spiritual beings…

Mothers Working Outside of the Home – Classic
In this classic episode, Kymberli Cook, Drs. Andi Thacker, and Christina Crenshaw discuss various issues related…

The Societal Cost of Broken Marriages
In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Ken Sande discuss the unseen effects divorce can have on…