Scripture: Psalm 139

A Look at the IVF Controversy
In this episode, Darrell Bock and Scott Rae discuss the Southern Baptist Convention's stance on in…

A Look at the IVF Controversy
In this episode, Darrell Bock and Scott Rae discuss the Southern Baptist Convention's stance on in…

A Healthy Approach to Sexual Attraction – Classic
In this classic episode, Bill Hendricks, Debby Wade, and Gary Barnes discuss a healthy Christian approach…

Bill Hendricks on Legacy & Leadership
AN INTERVIEW BY NEIL R. COULTER & KRAIG MCNUTT Bill Hendricks is the Executive Director for…

From an Orphanage to a Lifetime of Ministry & Beyond
Vindicate the oppressed and suffering. Rescue the poor and needy. Psalm 82:3-4 Having experienced the life…

Leadership in Moments of Crisis: A Ministry of Presence
In 2 Corinthians 1:3–5, we read about God using our own experiences to enable us to…

Leading Like Jesus…with TLC
Many people use the initials TLC to mean tender, loving care. When we look at the…

Building Bridges, Cultivating Community: Leadership In Houston
LEADERSHIP EXAMPLES AT HOMEThe development of leaders begins in childhood. The qualities and character people bring…

Riot of Ephesus: The Challenge of a New Identity in Christ
Excavations at Ephesus enable us to picture what we read in Acts. Archaeologists have discovered the…

Leadership Lessons From the Life of Moses
As a young seminarian in the mid-1980s, I carried pain from my family’s past. The origin…

Portrait of a Small-Church Leader
Before I became a DTS student, my wife and I were members of Bethany Bible Church…

Thinking About God's Calling
In this episode, Darrell Bock, Milyce Pipkin, and Bill Hendricks examine what it means to be…

God Wants Your Kidney! The Use of “Kidneys” in the Bible
For you formed my inward parts [kidneys];you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:13, 14a (ESV) The human kidneys are two reddish-brown, bean-shaped organs located on the left…

Bearing His Image Together
God created every person as a uniqueindividual When I was a little girl, every time it…

How Influencers Become Moral Authority
In this episode, Bill Hendricks, Vivian Mabuni, and Jenn Jett Barrett discuss social media influencers, focusing…

A Healthy Approach to Sexual Attraction
In this episode, Bill Hendricks, Debby Wade, and Gary Barnes discuss a healthy Christian approach to…

Faith, Work, and Filmmaking
In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario and Alex Kendrick discuss faith, work, and filmmaking, focusing on…

Engaging the Abortion Issue with Truth and Love – Classic
In this classic episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Brian Fisher discuss abortion, focusing on the…

He Will Answer By and By
A story of God's faithfulness in the midst of one very hot summer.

How to Seek Unity in Diversity: First Steps
Hearing the word “race” can overwhelm us. Our newspapers and social media feeds have bombarded us with…

Engaging the Abortion Issue with Truth and Love
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Brian Fisher discuss abortion, focusing on the Human Coalition’s…

How the Church Can Encourage Singles
A few ideas about how the church can encourage single people and integrate them into the…

So Pastor, How Do I Find My Calling?
Bill Hendricks, Founder and President of the Giftedness Center, explains how God has designed each one…

A Picture of God's Knowledge and Care
If you’ve ever been a part of a large organization, such as a multibillion-dollar corporation or…

Search Me O God
Pastor Steve Stroope, Lead Pastor of Lake Pointe Church, Rockwall, TX, encourages spiritual leaders to exercise…