Scripture: Revelation 20
What You Believe About the End Shapes How You Live Now
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Darrell Bock, and Michael Svigel discuss why eschatology is important and…
A Weary World Rejoices: Isaiah 9:1-7
Every Christmas season, Snoopy, of Peanuts fame, is displayed frequently in Christmas decorations. This is largely…
The Work of Jesus in The Nicene Creed
In this episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and Mikel L. Del Rosario discuss the Nicene Creed,…
Look Before You Lead
Now that we know how important congregational culture is and that it plays a critical role…
Insights in Revelation: Messages from a Majestic Savior
Think before answering this question: If Jesus Christ Himself were to show up in your church…
Free Bib Sac Article: Have the Prophecies in Revelation 17 about Babylon Been Fulfilled?
In the Spring 2012 Issue of Bibliotheca Sacra Andrew Woods writes: Preterests content that the events…