Scripture: Revelation 21
Loving Well Through Our Witness: 1 Peter 2:11-12
Recent issues of DTS Magazine reminded us how to engage wisely with outsiders of the faith…
A Theology of Working Women
In this episode, Drs. Bill Hendricks and Joy Dahl discuss a theology of work, focusing on…
Escaping the Prosperity Gospel – Classic
In this classic episode Mikel Del Rosario and Costi Hinn discuss the prosperity gospel, focusing on…
A Weary World Rejoices: Isaiah 9:1-7
Every Christmas season, Snoopy, of Peanuts fame, is displayed frequently in Christmas decorations. This is largely…
Escaping the Prosperity Gospel
In this episode Mikel Del Rosario and Costi Hinn discuss the prosperity gospel, focusing on Hinn's…
Christian Responses to the Problem of Evil – Classic
In this classic episode, Kymberli Cook, Dr. Timothy S. Yoder, and Keith S. Lindley discuss Christian…
Hope Amidst Uncertainty
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes…
Christian Responses to the Problem of Evil
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Dr. Timothy S. Yoder, and Keith S. Lindley discuss Christian responses…
Truth, Beauty, and the Gospel
In this episode, Dr. Darrell L. Bock and John Dickson discuss the Gospel, focusing on its…
How Corporate Worship Strengthens Weary Saints
When my church gathers, it appears we have little in common. Our skin colors vary. Our…
Great Time for Worship
One of the things I appreciate about DTS’s commitment to a dispensational approach to Scripture is…
Shaped By the Future: Reclaiming the Hope of Eschatology
Their response is often “eschatology schmeschatology, I am a panmillennialist; it will all pan out in…
12 Principles of Economic Wisdom
In this episode, Darrell Bock and Greg Forster discuss theology and economics, focusing on twelve values…
Keys to Effective Cultural Engagement
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. John Dickson discuss Christianity as a cultural minority,…
Jonathan Edwards and the Psalms: A Redemptive-Historical Vision of Scripture
God and Scripture Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give…
Look Before You Lead
Now that we know how important congregational culture is and that it plays a critical role…
Christianity and Disability: Thinking Theologically about Brokenness
Any man or woman who lives long enough will join the ranks of the disabled. How…
Comparing the Bible to Other Creation Accounts
In Part 1 of this series, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. Richard Averbeck discuss the background…
Living Into the Life of Jesus
Excerpt from Living into the Life of Jesus By Dr. Klauss Issler Exemplary Jesus-Practices About Money…
The Glory of Heaven… and a Top-Down Perspective
Dr. Ron Rhodes, President, Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, Frisco, TX, encourages us to always maintain…
When the Bottom Drops Out: Finding Grace in the Depths of Disappointment
Chapter 1: Truths in the Night A couple of months after Carol [my wife] died, I…
When All Else Fails: God's Grace through Trigeminal Neuralgia
A DTS grad suffers with one of the most painful conditions known to humanity. And God…
God's Passion to be Near His People
Mr. Paul Bixler, DTS student, explores the immanence of God in His desire to be near…
Coping with Grief
The death of your loved one may have been anticipated, coming after a long illness. Or…