Topic: apologetics

All “apologetics” Content

Facing Criticism

Jeff Jones, Senior Pastor of Chase Oaks Church, discusses how to handle ministry opposition. He teaches…
April 15, 2009

Finding Confidence In God Amidst Wickedness

Dr. Vic Anderson, associate professor of Pastoral Ministries, encourages us to not worry about the evil…
May 14, 2008

The Argument of Intelligent Design

Mr. Kerby Anderson, National Director of Probe Ministries, discusses the argument of intelligent design and answers…
September 14, 2007

The Citadel of Apologetics

Dr. Thomas Woodward, Professor of Bible and Theology at Trinity College, Trinity, Florida, communicates that all…
September 24, 2004

Why Do Good People Suffer?

Dr. Bruce Waltke examines aspects human suffering from Psalm 44.
July 1, 1979

Dallas Theological Seminary

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