Category: Theology

The Church in Nigeria
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Emmanuel Sobande, and Niyi Osomo discuss the diversity of Nigeria, the…

Beholding Beauty
In this episode, Kasey Olander and Brian Chan discuss the objective nature of beauty, its reflection…

Do We Need to Believe in a Historical Adam?
In Part 2 of this series, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. Richard Averbeck discuss the Image…

Comparing the Bible to Other Creation Accounts
In Part 1 of this series, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. Richard Averbeck discuss the background…

Living Into the Life of Jesus
Excerpt from Living into the Life of Jesus By Dr. Klauss Issler Exemplary Jesus-Practices About Money…

Free to Be Slaves
Slavery to God and one another results in true freedom and maximum blessing. Our freedom in…

Biblical Justice
What is Social Justice? Social justice has become a convoluted term meaning different things to different…

From the President's Desk: Thinking Theologically about Immigration
He commands us to care for others. He desires for us to invest in the next…

God's Heart for Israel
Listen in as DTS president Dr. Mark Bailey, the late Dr. Harold Hoehner, and Jewish Christian…

Explaining about Our Creator: ANSWERING DARWIN
As the world celebrates Darwin, a leading voice in the intelligent-design movement talks about how we…

From the Manger to the Cross
Slow down. Stop to consider the humble beginnings of our Lord. Imagine the power that entered…

Undeserved Mercy: The Faithfulness of God’s Forgiveness
Grace and mercy are two sides of the same coin, which within the pocket or purse…