Neil R. Coulter

Neil R. Coulter

Neil R. Coulter completed degrees in music performance and ethnomusicology from Wheaton College and Kent State University. He and his family lived in Papua New Guinea for twelve years, where Neil served as an ethnomusicology and arts consultant for Wycliffe Bible Translators. In 2015, he helped design and launch the PhD in World Arts at Dallas International University. He teaches doctoral courses in theory and ethnography at DIU’s Center for Excellence in World Arts. At DTS, he teaches about art, literature, film, and theology, and he is senior writer and editor of DTS Magazine. Neil is married to Joyce, and they have three sons.

Neil R. Coulter’s Contributions

Yonel Alcius

International Alumnus Profile: Yonel Alcius

Yonel Alcius’s career was decided for him at birth. As the firstborn son of the local…
October 18, 2023

Bill Hendricks on Legacy & Leadership

AN INTERVIEW BY NEIL R. COULTER & KRAIG MCNUTT Bill Hendricks is the Executive Director for…
October 5, 2023
Orphanage to Ministry

From an Orphanage to a Lifetime of Ministry & Beyond

Vindicate the oppressed and suffering. Rescue the poor and needy. Psalm 82:3-4 Having experienced the life…
October 5, 2023
Leadership in Houston DTS

Building Bridges, Cultivating Community: Leadership In Houston

LEADERSHIP EXAMPLES AT HOMEThe development of leaders begins in childhood. The qualities and character people bring…
October 5, 2023

Pandita Ramabai and Countercultural Love for the Powerless

Fulfilling our responsibility to love well often directs us to act counterculturally in a society that…
March 30, 2023

The Gift of Brotherly Love

Greg Hatteberg and Stephen Bramer have been best friends for over twenty-five years. Their paths crossed…
March 30, 2023

Introducing All Kids to Jesus: A Partnership between DTS and Young Life

Loving well means loving every generation and introducing all people to Jesus Christ. Many churches feature…
March 30, 2023

Greg和Stephen — 捐贈腎臟的友誼

Greg Hatteberg和Stephen Bramer已是超過25年的摯友。他們於1997年在達拉斯神學院相遇。Greg於1984年成為學生,後來在招生辦公室工作,現在擔任校友服務執行主任。Stephen在1992年前來DTS進修博士學位,經過在加拿大的事奉後,於1997年回到DTS擔任聖經部門教授。在DTS共事多年中,Greg和Stephen建立了一種兄弟情誼。當Stephen邀請Greg一起領導聖地旅遊時,這兩位兄弟的工作擴展到了校園之外,因為Greg已經多次去過那裡,並且與Charles Dyer博士合著了《基督徒聖地旅遊指南》(The Christian Traveler’s Guide to the Holy Land, 2014年現行版)。這兩位兄弟在困難時刻互相祈禱,包括Greg照顧妻子Sally(多發性硬化症患者),直到她在2018年去世。這一段的兄弟情誼充滿了笑聲、聖經研讀和對學生和同事的互相關心。 然而,在2022年初的一天午餐時,一次對話開始展現了令人驚嘆的兄弟之愛,從這兩位朋友身上輻射出來,彰顯出耶穌吩咐祂的門徒應該活出的那種愛:「我賜給你們一條新命令,乃是叫你們彼此相愛;我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣相愛。你們若有彼此相愛的心,眾人因此就認出你們是我的門徒了。」(約翰福音13:34-35)。那天午餐時,Greg望著他的朋友說:「你看起來不太好,一切都還好嗎?」 「嗯,其實不太好,」Stephen說。「我的腎功能指數不理想,如果持續下降,我就需要新的腎臟。」 「我可以檢查一下是否與我的血型相符,」Greg回答道。「如果我是你的合適捐贈者,我會捐贈我的腎臟給你。」 Stephen感到震驚和不可思議,他知道這是一個非常嚴肅和危險的決定。但是,他也知道這正是真正的兄弟之愛,而Greg必須要為此做出如此偉大的犧牲。…
March 30, 2023

Remembering Dr. Aubrey Malphurs (1944–2022)

With sadness, the DTS family announces the passing of Dr. Aubrey Malphurs (ThM, 1978; PhD, 1981)…
January 11, 2023

Words and the Word in Papua New Guinea

TEACHING TRUTH IS A MULTILAYERED, MANY-FACETED STORY. The words of Scripture, as scribes and faithful followers…
November 8, 2022

The Kingdom Influence of One Missions-Focused Life

One life can make a difference for numerous lives around the world. In many ways, Rachel…
November 8, 2022

Dr. Daniel Wallace: The Worshipful Call to Learning, Teaching, and Learning Again

And then in 1997, I contracted encephalitis—a swelling of the brain—and lost most of my memory. My…
November 8, 2022

Getting to Know Manuscripts with Dr. Daniel B. Wallace and the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts

We know that textual criticism is the study of variants in different manuscripts. But how did…
November 7, 2022

Dr. Daniel B. Wallace: Un llamado a aprender, a enseñar y a volver a aprender

Y en 1997 tuve una encefalitis, que es una inflamación en el cerebro, y perdí la…
November 7, 2022

丹尼爾‧華勒斯 (Daniel B. Wallace) 博士:用敬拜的心學習、教導、和再學習

1997 年,我感染了腦炎,這種疾病使我的大腦腫脹,失去了大部分記憶。我的希臘文知識大約是希臘文第一年學生的水平,而我的其他外語能力幾乎完全蒸發了。」 每當華勒斯博士分享到這裡,聽者都會目瞪口呆,無言以對,這似乎也是唯一自然而然的反應。喪失記憶,可以給人生帶來極大的破壞性。對於一個幾十年來兢兢業業,在聖經研究方面累積了無數的知識、洞察力、和敏感的思考能力的學者來說,更是帶來了錐心的痛苦。若是你的大量知識在一夜之間消失,還能夠堅持以教導真理為目標嗎?丹的反應卻是:絕不放棄,要像以前一樣繼續學習、繼續教導、重新學習。而認識丹的人,對此都不會感到驚訝。丹說,「我必須重新學習希臘文,就用我自己在前一年出版的教科書自學希臘文!」 每個基督徒在生活中,都應當不斷的學習和教導。我們的主歡迎我們向祂交心,把心底的任何問題向祂提問,祂希望我們和祂對話,要我們在學習的過程中享受祂,以祂為樂,最終還要差派我們入世,與世人分享我們所學到的東西(正如馬克‧貝利 [Mark Bailey] 博士在本期撰文所說)。我們不應該如死水一般停滯不前,自以為已臻化境,不求長進。我們若是落實研讀聖經,這屬靈的操練就能為我們有深度的信仰打穩根基。研讀聖經的屬靈操練包括逐章逐節從頭到尾連讀性的誦讀整本聖經 (lectio divina)、年度讀經計劃、背誦經文、和小組討論。我們找到問題的答案,同時也發現更多的問題。華勒斯博士說,「學習聖經是有風險的,因為可能引發一連串的問題!但不論我們提出什麼問題,聖經中都有解答!」 丹必須用自己寫的教材重學希臘文,但這並不是他第一次甚至是第二次挑燈夜讀的勤學希臘文。 丹他對這門語言的追求,始於他十幾歲、還是年輕基督徒之時遇到的問題。1969年1月,丹在加州阿納海姆 (Anaheim) 的一次奮興會上經歷了聖靈的恩膏,激起了想要閱讀聖經,想要向周圍所有人分享福音的熱情。他遇到來自科斯塔梅薩 (Costa Mesa) 的一個商人,這個商人向丹出售幾箱好消息聖經,讓丹可以與其他人分享,但他說了一句話,「你知道,耶穌不是上帝。」這句話讓丹百思不得其解,導致他展開追尋之旅,開始尋求答案。丹後來才知道,這個商人所說的,是異端亞流的觀點,但這種說法促使他去讀聖經,想要了解真相。他心想,「如果我打算把我的生命獻給基督,我最好確定祂是值得的。」在那整個學期裡,他每週都會把整本新約聖經讀一次。…
November 7, 2022

Greg Hatteberg Receives the Distinguished Service Award from Moody Bible Institute

As Executive Director of Alumni Services, Dr. Greg Hatteberg has presented numerous awards to graduates of…
October 18, 2022

Jim Rayburn’s Legacy Blesses Young Life Leaders through New DTS Scholarship

For eighty-one years, Young Life has lived out its vision to “introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ…
August 31, 2022

The DeLille Family Supports the DTS Commitment to Missions

Students at Dallas Theological Seminary develop a global perspective for sharing the gospel with all people—and…
August 18, 2022
Article Title: Synagogue at Capernaum

Synagogue at Capernaum

WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP | EPH 2:10 As Professor Darrell Bock says in this issue, “good…
August 3, 2022
Article Header: Lewis Sperry Chafer - A song of Evangelism

Lewis Sperry Chafer: A Song of Evangelism and Education that Continues to Resound

August 3, 2022
Article Header: Poiema

POIEMA: An Interview with Dr. Darrell L. Bock

Our summer issue’s theme is engaging outsiders. Let’s consider what it means that “we are his…
August 3, 2022

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