Magazine Issue: Summer 2013

Cover of book authored by Dr. Malphurs, Look Before You Lead

Look Before You Lead

Now that we know how important congregational culture is and that it plays a critical role…
August 1, 2013
Cover of book authored by Dr. Svigel, Retro Christianity


But what does true Christian community look like?
July 15, 2013


Perhaps before we invite people to Jesus or invite them to church, we should invite them…
July 3, 2013

God's Role in My Son's Autism

When Miltinnie Yih’s son received a diagnosis of “autism,” she wrestled with the “why?” Was it…
July 3, 2013
Cover of book authored by Dr. Lutzer with Steve Miller, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent

The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent

“Some Christians will not wake up until they go to church and discover that the door…
June 14, 2013
Young boy smiling while using mobility equipment to play outside on a playground

Living with a Disability

Members of the DTS family talk about what it’s like to live with disability—from the perspective…
June 5, 2013

5 Ways to Reach Out to the Intellectually Disabled

When I first met Lisa, a national sign-language artist who knew more songs than my iPod…
May 29, 2013

Christianity and Disability: Thinking Theologically about Brokenness

Any man or woman who lives long enough will join the ranks of the disabled. How…
May 16, 2013

Renewable Resources: The Gift of Suffering

After Lacie came home from the hospital, that neighbor called to apologize. And she heard her…
May 15, 2013
Young boy looking up at someone out of view

3 Ways Churches Can Minister to the Disabled

Rick Smith (ThM, 2012) has a rambunctious, adorable two-year-old who has Down syndrome. Rick chronicles each day…
May 15, 2013
Dr. Swindoll standing at a podium holding his Bible and speaking into a microphone

God Works in Our Weakness

But sometimes God chooses not to change our disabilities. Moses’s stuttering required Aaron’s help. And the…
May 15, 2013

Prayer Warrior Mom

Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place…
May 15, 2013

The Lasting Legacy of Howard Hendricks

DTS remembers the life of our beloved Dr. Howard G. “Prof” Hendricks (1924–2013). During his sixty-year…
May 15, 2013

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