Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15

Beholding Beauty
In this episode, Kasey Olander and Brian Chan discuss the objective nature of beauty, its reflection…

In The Begining… The “Why” of Genesis 1–2
The most common, almost instinctual, reaction of people who read the first two chapters of Genesis…

How to Avoid the Five Biggest Mistakes in Sharing your Faith
I don’t know when I have felt any dumber. As I backed my car into our…

Forget Me Not: Caring for God's Aging Children
The setting is pleasant indeed—the billowing fields and meadows of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. From the upper…

Feel Trapped? A Biblical Perspective on Suicide
Some 23,000 people are murdered in the United States each year, and 32,000 Americans commit suicide. …

Why Does a Good God Allow Suffering?
Even as i write, the headlines scream out at me from the front page of the…