Scripture: John 4

A Good Word: ὀφθαλμός “eye”

Isn’t it interesting that we often ignore the importance of our body parts when they are…
June 6, 2024

A Good Word: ἐλπίς “hope” (in 1 Peter 3:15)

1 Peter 3:15 is a well-known verse. It often appears in Bible memory verse packets. While…
May 9, 2024

A Good Word: חסה – To take shelter

It was the most important day of my life. Though it was over 60 years ago,…
April 4, 2024

A Good Word: κύριος — Lord

The title “Lord” (κύριος) is rather innocuous today. We apply this title to anything resembling authority.…
March 7, 2024

Worship In Truth – Todd Agnew

Mr. Todd Agnew is an Instructor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary. Today…
June 29, 2022

Blended Families

In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Ron Deal discuss ministry to blended families, focusing on…
April 20, 2021

Becoming a Spiritual Influence at Work

In this episode, Bill Hendricks and Dr. Bill Peel, CEO of 24Seven discuss the importance of…
April 6, 2021
Ron Deal, Director of Family Life Blended

Ministering to Today's Family

Mr. Ron Deal, director of FamilyLife Blended in Little Rock, AR, discusses how non-traditional family structures…
September 17, 2020

Six Ways Our Identity Impacts Our Involvement with the Lost

After a cancelled flight, an overwhelmed airline agent did her best to rebook a long line…
August 9, 2019

John 1:1–7:1.

William Weinrich
Concordia Publishing House
Dr. Bock with other DTS professors recording The Table podcast

Women in the Old Testament

In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock, Brian Webster, Dorian G. Coover-Cox and Sandra Glahn discuss…
July 11, 2018

6 Essential Ways to Cultivate Creativity and Diversity in Leading Worship Music

Leading worship through music each Sunday is a privilege and a responsibility. Guiding a group of…
March 14, 2018
East and West A Journey to Worship

東西文化的結合: 敬拜之旅

English 漢語(繁體字) 出生并成長在香港,這個東西文化融合的地方,造就了我獨特的敬拜的經驗。不同文化的碰撞讓我在不同文化之間徘徊。然而,上帝卻給了我足夠的空間去探索。隨著年齡的增長,信念也逐漸形成。回顧經驗,看到上帝的恩典連接不同階段的經驗,充分準備我在達拉斯的華人教會及神學院參與服侍。 學習敬拜的起點 我印象中所參加的第一次敬拜是於1978年在受美國宣教士影響的華人教會舉行的禮拜。由於天主教中學的背景,使得我認為那次敬拜經驗像是「基督教的彌撒」。受到美南浸信會的影響,這教會保留傳統的詩歌本唱詩,詩班,以及長篇的講道。那時,我常需要調整坐姿,挺直背來保持清醒。然而美南浸信會的福音詩歌卻增添了敬拜的氣氛,使得整個崇拜經驗充滿喜樂和敬畏的心。每週日,便成為來到上帝面前獻上自己及默想神的時刻。那些美南福音詩歌激起了我對神的熱情,並且願意決志成為一名跟隨主的門徒。作為一個初信的基督徒,敬拜令我更加明白如何去認識並愛主我的神 (申 7:9)。 踏入大學的階段,現代音樂的風潮讓我對自由敬拜燃起了熱情。樂隊而非詩班,成為了當時的流行做法。一個來自美國學園傳道會名為 (Cross Road) 的敬拜樂隊在學校的露天劇場帶來的一場自由敬拜引領了當時的新風潮。敬拜成為讓人經歷並且轉向神的方式。 敬拜團和觀眾之間的互動以及自然的情感流露將我們的情緒推入高潮。同時,韓國敬拜團的動作詩歌 (action songs) 也帶來了震撼性的效果。在學校的露天劇場上,在眾多路過的學生面前,崇拜者隨著音樂高聲的讚美,並且隨著歌聲作出各樣自然的敬拜動作。“來啊,我們要俯伏敬拜,在造我們的耶和華面前跪拜” (詩篇95:6)。敬拜不僅僅是音樂和聲音的結合,更多是融合了肢體語言和心靈的奉獻。跪下,禱告,都在表達年輕心靈中最深層的吶喊。在禱告中混合著敬拜,認罪,感恩,和代求。…
February 16, 2018
East and West A Journey to Worship

East and West: A Journey to Worship

English 漢語(繁體字) Growing up in Hong Kong, my experience in worship mirrored a synthesis of Eastern…
February 14, 2018
man standing at podium speaking at DTS Chapel

What's On the Menu

Dr. Will Johnston, Associate Professor of New Testament, discusses the food metaphors John uses in his…
April 3, 2017

Jim Rayburn: DTS, Young Life, and His Legacy

Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Dallas Theological Seminary’s founder and first president, dreamed of the day “the…
September 9, 2016

Opening Our Eyes

Matt Mikalatos, staff member with CRU, ends WEC week by encouraging and mobilizing church leaders that…
March 11, 2016

Dr. Elliott Johnson honored with Festschrift

During the DTS alumni breakfast at the ETS annual meeting, Dr. Elliott E. Johnson, senior professor…
December 11, 2015

Senior Preaching Week: Spiritual Refreshment

From John 4:5-15, Bro. Dean-Paul Hart expounds on our necessity to recognize God, to trust Him…
April 23, 2015
Dr. Tony Evans recording The Table podcast

Biblical Racial Reconciliation

In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Dr. Tony Evans discuss biblical racial reconciliation, focusing on…
April 14, 2015
man standing at podium speaking at DTS Chapel

Think China

Dr. Hans Finzel, President of HDLeaders and President Emeritus of WorldVenture, encourages to consider the strategic…
November 6, 2014
Dr. Bock and guest recording The Table podcast

Re-Imaging Evangelicalism in a Changing World

In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and John S. Dickerson discuss cultural engagement and the state…
April 1, 2014

The Harvest is Ripe

Steve Douglass, President, Campus Crusade for Christ International/Cru, Orlando, FL, challenges students to take advantage of…
January 30, 2013

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