Scripture: Mark 10

A Good Word: ὀφθαλμός “eye”
Isn’t it interesting that we often ignore the importance of our body parts when they are…

A Good Word: ἐλπίς “hope” (in 1 Peter 3:15)
1 Peter 3:15 is a well-known verse. It often appears in Bible memory verse packets. While…

A Good Word: חסה – To take shelter
It was the most important day of my life. Though it was over 60 years ago,…

A Good Word: κύριος — Lord
The title “Lord” (κύριος) is rather innocuous today. We apply this title to anything resembling authority.…

A Good Word: πιστός – Faithful
Memories from my childhood bring a mix of emotions. My parents divorced when I was five,…

A Good Word: χάρις – Grace
Matthew 18:23–35 recounts one of Jesus’s well-known parables in which a servant, after being forgiven an…

A Good Word: υἱοθεσία – Adoption
Many people have personal experience with adoption–either as an adopter, an adoptee or knowing someone who…

A Good Word: ἀγαθός – Good
In an encounter recorded in the Gospels, a wealthy man met Jesus on the road and,…

Leading Like Jesus…with TLC
Many people use the initials TLC to mean tender, loving care. When we look at the…

Building Bridges, Cultivating Community: Leadership In Houston
LEADERSHIP EXAMPLES AT HOMEThe development of leaders begins in childhood. The qualities and character people bring…

Riot of Ephesus: The Challenge of a New Identity in Christ
Excavations at Ephesus enable us to picture what we read in Acts. Archaeologists have discovered the…

Leadership Lessons From the Life of Moses
As a young seminarian in the mid-1980s, I carried pain from my family’s past. The origin…

Portrait of a Small-Church Leader
Before I became a DTS student, my wife and I were members of Bethany Bible Church…

A Good Word: ἐξουσία – Authority
When I was in college, I studied classical guitar. As you can imagine, the mix of…

A Good Word: δόξα – Glory
Once, I watched a solar eclipse. I stared in fascination as the small circle of light…

A Good Word: εὐαγγέλιον – Gospel
You may have heard the word “gospel” (euangelion) used in two different ways. This key term…

Modesty and the Church
In this episode, Kymberli Cook, Christina Crenshaw and Jonathan Pokluda discuss the benefits and issues surrounding…

The Wisdom in Asking for Help – Dr. Robert C. Duckworth
Dr. Robert C. Duckworth is the Director fo Counseling Services at Dallas Theological Seminary. Today He…

Cultural Background of the Passion Week
In this episode, Drs. Mikel Del Rosario, Terri Moore, and Darrell Bock discuss the cultural background…

Blind Bart Sees What the Disciples Cannot See
Dr. Paul Pettit, director of Career Services, offers the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into…

Dancing the One Step: Pursuing God after Seminary
Much like the blind disciples, I skipped the suffering and only saw an empty throne filled…

Creating a Great Staff Culture
Rev. Andy Stanley, senior pastor at North Point Ministries in Alpharetta, GA, discusses the interpersonal aspects…

But It is Not So Among You: Jesus and Power in Mark's Gospel
Dr. Terri Moore, adjunct professor of New Testament at DTS, Criswell College, and Dallas Baptist University,…
A Gay Son's Journey to God
In this episode, Drs. Darrell L. Bock and Christopher Yuan discuss homosexuality, focusing on Yuan’s journey…