Scripture: Psalm 19


Beholding Beauty

In this episode, Kasey Olander and Brian Chan discuss the objective nature of beauty, its reflection…
January 14, 2025

Beholding Beauty

In this episode, Kasey Olander and Brian Chan discuss the objective nature of beauty, its reflection…
January 14, 2025

Human Ontology: What It Means To Be Human

In this episode, Kymberli Cook and Daniel Hill examine the important question, “what does it mean…
July 11, 2023

A Preacher's Hermeneutical Responsibility to Hear from God

It is Friday evening, you answer the phone, and the pastor on the line says, “Can…
November 3, 2021

Seeing God in the World Around Us

In this episode, Kymberli Cook talks with Dr. Robert K. Johnston about natural theology, focusing on…
October 12, 2021

Senior Preaching Week: Are You Listening?

Sam Hitchcock opens Senior Preaching Week with an encouragement to listen carefully to every word that…
April 27, 2021
Guest speakers recording The Table podcast

Equipping Generation Z for a Challenging World

In this episode, Mikel Del Rosario, Dr. Sean McDowell, and J. Warner Wallace discuss student ministry,…
August 25, 2020
man standing at podium speaking at DTS Chapel

Creation, Information, and Transformation

Dr. Dan Bolin, president of Refueling in Flight Ministries In Arlington, VA, shares his heart for…
January 28, 2020
man standing at podium with arms raised while speaking at DTS Chapel

The Skies and The Scriptures

Dr. Michael Easley continues the Nathan D. Maier Memorial Series in Bible Exposition with a journey…
September 27, 2018

Patterns of Prayer: Ancient and Modern Tools for Reading Scripture and Communing with God

How can we make the ritual and rhythm of prayer a priority with all the other…
June 25, 2017

On Listening

Dr. Stanley Toussaint, DTS Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition, speaks about the refreshment and revelation…
August 31, 2016
Guest speakers recording The Table podcast

Encountering Challenges to Biblical Inerrancy

In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock, Dr. Andreas J. Köstenberger, and Dr. Michael Kruger discuss the…
July 7, 2015

Jonathan Edwards and the Psalms: A Redemptive-Historical Vision of Scripture

God and Scripture Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give…
December 29, 2014

Taking the Testimony of Others Seriously

Dr. Robert K. Johnston, Professor of Theology and Culture at Fuller Theological Seminary, invites us to…
October 21, 2014

Arts Week: Q&A with Ken Myers

Ken Myers, President and Executive Producer of Mars Hill Audio Journal conducts a question and answer…
October 25, 2013

Stepping Stones for the Christian Journey

Chapter 7: Tying Up a Loose End (James 3:1–12) Years ago a man named Latimer was…
March 19, 2012

I Never Thought I'd See the Day: When Atheists Would Be Angry

Chapter 1: When Atheists Would Be Angry On May 15, 2007, Jerry Falwell, one of our…
February 13, 2012

Revelations of God

Dr. Stanley D. Toussaint, Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition, Adjunct Professor of Bible Exposition, DTS,…
September 2, 2011

Biblical Justice

What is Social Justice? Social justice has become a convoluted term meaning different things to different…
May 1, 2011

The Wonder of God in an Age of Hyperbole

California youth pastor Benji Bruneel (ThM, 2007) reflects on what it means to be truly "amazing."
December 1, 2010

The Heavens Are Telling of the Glory of God

Dr. French Jones, Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, suggests that the heavens and stars are significant…
October 17, 2007

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