Robert B. Chisholm
While Dr. Chisholm enjoys teaching the full breadth of Old Testament Studies, he takes special delight in the books of Judges, Samuel, Isaiah, and Amos. Dr. Chisholm has published seven books, with commentaries on Judges-Ruth and 1–2 Samuel forthcoming. He was translation consultant for the International Children’s Bible and for The Everyday Bible and is senior Old Testament editor for the NET Bible.
Robert B. Chisholm’s Books
Robert B. Chisholm’s Publication Articles
- “Ehud: Assessing an Assassin.” Bibliotheca Sacra (168). 2010. 274-82.
- “Israel’s Retreat and the Failure of Prophecy in 2 Kings 3.” Biblica (92). 2010. 70-80.
- “What Went on in Jael’s Tent? The Collocation wtkshw bsmykh in Judges 4, 18.” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 24 2010. 143-44.
- “A Note on Judges 13:20-21: Sorting out the Syntax.” Jewish Bible Quarterly (38.1). 2010. 10-12.
- “In Defense of Paneling as a Clue to the Chronology of Judges: A Critique of Andrew Steinmann’s Reply.” JETS (53). 2010. 375-82.
- “When Prophecy Appears to Fail, Check Your Hermeneutic.” JETS (53). 2010. 561-77.
- “The Ethical Challenge of Jephthah’s Fulfilled Vow.” Bibliotheca Sacra (167). 2010. 404-22.
- “How a Hermeneutical Virus Can Corrupt Theological Systems.” Bibliotheca Sacra (166). 2009. 259-70.
- “The Chronology of the Book of Judges: A Linguistic Clue to Solving a Pesky Problem.” JETS (52). 2009. 247-55.
- “What’s Wrong with This Picture? Stylistic Variation as a Rhetorical Technique in Judges.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (34.2). 2009. 171-82.
- “Identity Crisis: Assessing Samson’s Birth and Career.” Bibliotheca Sacra (166). 2009. 147-62.
- “Yahweh Versus the Canaanite Gods: Polemic in Judges and 1 Samuel 1-7.” Bibliotheca Sacra (164:654). 2007. 165-80.
- “Anatomy of an Anthropomorphism: Does God Discover Facts?.” Bibliotheca Sacra (164:653). 2007. 3-20.
- Review of “Beginning Biblical Hebrew.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:651). 2006. 357-357.
- Review of “Old Testament Theology. Volume One, Israel’s gospel.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:651). 2006. 357-359.
- Review of “Narrative Structure and Discourse Constellations: An Analysis of Clause Function in Biblical Hebrew Prose.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:651). 2006. 360-361.
- Review of “Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions: Corpus and Concordance. 2.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:651). 2006. 361-362.
- Review of “Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. V 12.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:651). 2006. 362-363.
- Review of “Theological dictionary of the Old Testament. V 14.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:651). 2006. 363-364.
- Review of “1 Samuel.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:651). 2006. 366-368.
- “The Christological Fulfillment of Isaiah’s Servant Songs.” Bibliotheca Sacra (163:652). 2006. 387-404.
- Review of “Punishment and Forgiveness in Israel’s Migratory Campaign.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:650). 2006. 245-246.
- Review of “The Psalms: Strophic, Structure and Theological Commentary.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:650). 2006. 246-248.
- Review of “The Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53 in Jewish and Christian Sources.” Bibliotheca sacra (163:650). 2006. 248-249.
- Review of “Bible (OT).” Bibliotheca sacra (163:649). 2006. 118-120.
- Review of “Genesis as Dialogue: A Literary, Historical, and Theological Commentary.” Bibliotheca sacra (162:648). 2005. 496-496.
- Review of “Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job.” Bibliotheca sacra (162:648). 2005. 498-499.
- Review of “Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?.” Bibliotheca sacra (162:647). 2005. 377-378.
- Review of “The Twelve Prophets.” Bibliotheca sacra (162:647). 2005. 378-379.
- Review of “Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament. V 12.” Bibliotheca Sacra (162:646). 2005. 241-242.
- Review of “Eighth Century Prophets: a Social Analysis.” Bibliotheca Sacra (162:646). 2005. 245-245.
- Review of “Lamentations.” Bibliotheca Sacra (162:645). 2005. 121-122.
- Review of “Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:644). 2004. 500-501.
- Review of “Reading the Lines: a Fresh Look at the Hebrew Bible.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:644). 2004. 501-502.
- Review of “The Prophetic Literature: an Introduction.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:644). 2004. 502-504.
- Review of “Isaiah 40-55: a New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:644). 2004. 504-505.
- Review of “Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:643). 2004. 372-372.
- Review of “Readings from the Ancient Near East: Primary Sources for Old Testament Study.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:643). 2004. 375-376.
- Review of “A Hebrew Reader for Ruth.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:643). 2004. 376-376.
- Review of “Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 4: The Prophets.” Themelios (29:2). 2004. 59.
- Review of “Genesis: the Story We Haven’t Heard.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:642). 2004. 243-244.
- Review of “The Character of God in the Book of Genesis: a Narrative Appraisal.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:642). 2004. 244-245.
- Review of “Social World of the Hebrew.” Themelios (29:2). 2004. 58.
- Review of “1 Kings: a New Translation with Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:641). 2004. 119-119.
- Review of “Bible (OT).” Bibliotheca sacra (161:641). 2004. 119-119.
- Review of “David’s Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:641). 2004. 120-121.
- Review of “Vain Rhetoric: Private Insight and Public Debate in Ecclesiastes.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:641). 2004. 121-122.
- Review of “Genesis: a Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (161:641). 2004. 117-118.
- Review of “Reading Biblical Narratives: Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 491-492.
- Review of “Leviticus As Literature.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 493-494.
- Review of “In the Wilderness: The Doctrine of Defilement in the Book of Numbers.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 494-494.
- Review of “Yahweh Versus Baalism: a Theological Reading of the Gideon-Abimelech Narrative.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 496-497.
- Review of “Psalms. Part 2, and Lamentations.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 497-498.
- Review of “Determinism in the Book of Ecclesiastes.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 498-499.
- Review of “The Conceptual Coherence of the Book of Micah.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 499-499.
- Review of “The Story of Joseph and the Family of Jacob.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:639). 2003. 376-376.
- Review of “Encountering the Book of Psalms: a Literary and Theological Introduction.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:638). 2003. 249-250.
- Review of “Joel and Obadiah: a Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:638). 2003. 250-251.
- Review of “Abraham and Family: New Insights into the Patriarchal Narratives.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:637). 2003. 116-117.
- Review of “The World of the Aramaeans. I, Biblical Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:637). 2003. 117-118.
- Review of “Reading Isaiah: Poetry and Vision.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:637). 2003. 118-119.
- Review of “The Book of Jubilees.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:637). 2003. 119-119.
- “A Rhetorical Use of Point of View in Old Testament Narrative.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 404-414.
- Review of “Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, V 10.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 484-485.
- Review of “Interpreting the Old Testament: a Guide for Exegesis.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 485-486.
- Review of “Life in Biblical Israel.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 488-488.
- Review of “The Religion of Ancient Israel.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 489-490.
- Review of “Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 490-491.
- Review of “Abraham, Israel and the Nations: the Patriarchal Promise and Its Covenantal Development in Genesis.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 491-492.
- Review of “Bible (OT).” Bibliotheca sacra (159:636). 2002. 492-493.
- Review of “Proverbs 1-9: a New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 492-493.
- Review of “Israël Construit son Histoire.” Bibliotheca sacra (159:635). 2002. 375-375.
- Review of “Joel and Amos.” Bibliotheca sacra (159:635). 2002. 376-376.
- Review of “Ancient Israel’s Faith and History: an Introduction to the Bible in Context.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:635). 2002. 373-374.
- Review of “Israel Constructs Its History: Deuteronomistic Historiography in Recent Research.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:635). 2002. 375-375.
- Review of “Bible (OT).” Bibliotheca sacra (159:634). 2002. 247-248.
- Review of “Bible (OT).” Bibliotheca sacra (159:634). 2002. 248-250.
- Review of “The Psalms: An Introduction.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:634). 2002. 246-247.
- Review of “Isaiah 1-39: a New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:634). 2002. 247-248.
- Review of “Micah: a New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:634). 2002. 248-250.
- Review of “Genesis.” Bibliotheca sacra (159:633). 2002. 122-123.
- Review of “Minor Prophets, Pt 2.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:633). 2002. 124-125.
- “God’s Faithfulness Through Time.” Decision (45:1). 2002. 36-39.
- “Pharaoh Don’t Know Diddly.” Kindred Spirit (25:1). 2001. 3-5.
- Review of “Zemah and Zerubbabel: Messianic Expectations in the Early Postexilic Period.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:632). 2001. 498-498.
- Review of “What Rough Beast? Images of God in the Hebrew Bible.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:632). 2001. 492-494.
- Review of “Introduction to the Composition of the Pentateuch.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:632). 2001. 495-496.
- Review of “Isaiah’s Servant Poems According to the Septuagint: an Exegetical and Theological Study.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:632). 2001. 496-497.
- Review of “The Emergence of Yehud in the Persian Period: a Social and Demographic Study.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:632). 2001. 498-499.
- Review of “Word Order and Time in Biblical Hebrew Narrative.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:631). 2001. 378-379.
- Review of “Why Ask My Name: Anonymity and Identity in Biblical Narrative.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:631). 2001. 379-380.
- Review of “Goddesses and Trees, New Moon and Yahweh: Ancient Near Eastern Art and the Hebrew Bible.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:631). 2001. 380-380.
- Review of “On the Way to Nineveh : Studies in Honor of George M Landes.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:629). 2001. 124-125.
- “”Drink Water from Your Own Cistern”: a Literary Study of Proverbs 5:15-23.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:628). 2000. 397-409.
- Review of “Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, V 10.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:628). 2000. 499-500.
- Review of “A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:628). 2000. 500-500.
- Review of “Proverbs: a Commentary.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:628). 2000. 500-501.
- Review of “The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, V 4: Sin-tav.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:627). 2000. 373-373.
- Review of “Stories in Scripture and Inscriptions: Comparative Studies on Narratives in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:627). 2000. 374-375.
- Review of “The Text of Genesis 1-11: Textual Studies and Critical Edition.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:627). 2000. 375-376.
- “’The Bloodshed of Jezreel’: Harmonizing Hosea 1:4 and 2 Kings 10:30.” Bibliotheca Sacra (176:704). 2019. 429-43.
- “Rizpah’s Torment: When God Punishes the Children for the Sin of the Father.” Bibliotheca Sacra (175:697). 2019. 50-66.
- “Whose Sins Caused the Exile?” Bible Study Magazine (9:2). 2017. 36-37.
- “Characterization in 1-2 Samuel: The Use of Quotations and Intertextual Links.” Bibliotheca Sacra (174:693). 2017. 45-59.
- “God, Job, and the Animal Kingdom.” Bible Study Magazine (8:4). 2016. 18-19.
- “Was God Naomi’s Adversary?” Bible Study Magazine (8:3). 2016. 34-35.
- “When the Bible Doesn’t Have the Answer: Mysterious Ways.” Bible Study Magazine (7:6). 2015.
- “A Hard Tale of Justice.” Bible Study Magazine (7:5). 2015. 44-45.
- “God is Bigger.” Bible Study Magazine (7:4). 2015. 32-33.
- “Cracks in the Foundation: Ominous Signs in the David Narrative.” Bibliotheca Sacra (172:686). 2015. 154-76.
- “Leadership Gone Wrong.” Bible Study Magazine (7:1). 2014. 40-41.
- “God of War or God of Peace?” Bible Study Magazine (6:3). 2014. 42-43.
- “Do Prophecies Sometimes Fail?” Bible Study Magazine (6:2). 2014. 38-39.
- “What Went on in Jael’s Tent? (Part Two)” Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament (27:2). 2013. 216-18.
- “‘For This Reason’: Etiology and Its Implications for the Historicity of Adam.” Criswell Theological Review (10:2). 2013. 27-51.
- “God’s Puzzling Behavior.” Bible Study Magazine (5:3). 2013. 32-33.
- “Yahweh’s Self-Revelation in Deed and Word: A Biblical Theology of 1-2 Samuel.” Southwestern Journal of Theology (55.2). 2013. 209-26.
- “Using Genre as a Guide to Interpreting Scripture.” Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox. 2007.
- “Does God Change His Mind?” Kindred Spirit (22:2). 1998. 4-5.
- “Does God Deceive?” Bibliotheca Sacra (155). 1998. 11-28.
- “Divine Hardening in the Old Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (153). 1996. 410-34.
- “The Polemic against Baalism in Israel’s Early History and Literature.” Bibliotheca Sacra (151). 1994. 267-83
- “The ‘Everlasting Covenant’ and the ‘City of Chaos’: Intentional Ambiguity and Irony in Isaiah 24.” Criswell Theological Review (6). 1993. 237-53
- “‘For Three Sins . . . Even for Four’: The Numerical Sayings in Amos.” Bibliotheca Sacra (147). 1990. 188-97.
- “Structure, Style, and the Prophetic Message: An Analysis of Isaiah 5:8-30,” Bibliotheca Sacra (143).1986. 46-60.
Robert B. Chisholm’s Contributions

Does God Change His Mind
Some theologians would agree, “The omnipotent, sovereign God decrees all things and does not change His…

Fatal Attraction: Naive Pete Meets Mrs. Robinson
Dr. Robert Chisholm, department chair and professor of Old Testament Studies, shares his wisdom about overcoming…