Darrell L. Bock
Dr. Bock has earned recognition as a Humboldt Scholar (Tübingen University in Germany), is the author or editor of over 45 books, including well-regarded commentaries on Luke and Acts and studies of the historical Jesus, and works in cultural engagement as host of the seminary’s Table Podcast. He was president of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) from 2000–2001, has served as a consulting editor for Christianity Today, and serves on the boards of Wheaton College, Chosen People Ministries, the Hope Center, Christians in Public Service, and the Institute for Global Engagement. His articles appear in leading publications, and he often is an expert for the media on NT issues. Dr. Bock has been a New York Times best-selling author in nonfiction; serves as a staff consultant for Bent Tree Fellowship Church in Carrollton, TX; and is elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Dallas. When traveling overseas, he will tune into the current game involving his favorite teams from Houston—live—even in the wee hours of the morning. Married for 49 years to Sally, he is a proud father of two daughters and a son and is also a grandfather of five.
Darrell L. Bock’s Books

Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods
Darrell L. Bock’s Publication Articles
- “Marshall on Salvation.” Evangelical Quarterly (93:2). 2022. 118-24.
- “Theology of Cultural Intelligence.” Southwestern Journal of Theology (64:2). 2022. 35-50.
- “POIEMA; An Interview with Darrell L. Bock.” DTS Magazine (8:2). 2022. 8-9.
- “Critique of Gentry and Wellum’s Kingdom through Covenant: A New Testament Perspective.” Master’s Seminary Journal (26). 2015. 139-45.
- “Did Jesus Connect Son of Man to Daniel 7?” BBR (22:3). 2012. 399-402.
- “‘Who Is This Son of Man?’ The Latest Scholarship on a Puzzling Expression of the Historical Jesus.” Library of New Testament Studies (JSNTS) (390). 2011. 78-100.
- “Is That All There Is? A Response To Lara Guglielmo’s’ 11Q13, Malchisedek, Coreference, and Restoration of 2 18.” Enoch (33). 2011. 73-76.
- “Faith and the Historical Jesus: Does a Confessional Position and Respect for the Jesus Tradition Preclude Serious Historical Engagement?.” Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus (9). 2011. 3-25.
- “A Brief Reply to Robert Miller and Amy-Jill Levine.” Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus (9). 2011. 106-10.
- “Is That All There Is? A Response To Lara Guglielmo’s’ 11Q13, Malchîṣedek, Co-Reference, and Restoration of 2 18.” Enoch (33). 2011. 73-76.
- “Embracing Jesus in a First Century Context: What Can It Teach Us About Spiritual Commitment?.” Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care (3). 2010. 128-39.
- “Abandon Studying the Historical Jesus? No, We Need Context.” Christianity Today. April 2010.
- “Who Do My Opponents Say that I Am? An Investigation of the Accusations against the Historical Jesus.” Library of New Testament Studies (328). 2008. 76-94.
- “Blasphemy and the Jewish Examination of Jesus.” Bulletin for Biblical Research (17:1). 2007. 53-114.
- “What’s the Good News?” Christianity Today. February 7, 2000. 47.
- “The Jesus and Judas Papers: A Look at Recent Claims about Jesus.” www.christianitytoday.com 2006.
- “Will the Real Judas Please Stand Up?.” www.beliefnet.org 2006.
- “You Make the Call: Are Gender Sensitive Translations Safe or Out?” Bible Translator (56:3). July 2005. 168-86.
- “Un Vistazo a El Codigo Da Vinci: Tres errores mayores y unos cauntos mas,” Kairos (37). 2005. 111-20.
- “The Politics of the People of God.” Christianity Today. September 2005. 84-86.
- “The Good News of Da Vinci: How a Ludicrous Book Can Become an Opportunity to Engage the Culture.” Christianity Today (48:1). 2004. 62-62.
- “Fact, Fiction and the Da Vinci Code.” Human Events. June 2004.
- “Jewish Expressions in Mark 14.61-62 and the Authenticity of the Jewish Examination of Jesus.” JSHJ (1). 2003. 147-59.
- Review of “Paul on Trial: the Book of Acts As a Defense of Christianity.” Bibliotheca Sacra (160:640). 2003. 501-502.
- “The State of Missions: an Interview with Luis Bush.” Christianity Today (47:7). 2003. 26-26.
- Review of “Studying the Historical Jesus: a Guide to Sources and Methods.” Evangelical Review of Theology (27:2). 2003. 189-189.
- “Darrell Bock: ‘Public Square’ Societies Keep Us Honest.” Christianity Today (47:2). 2003. 86-86.
- “Do Gender-sensitive Translations Distort Scripture? Not Necessarily.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (45:4). 2002. 651-669.
- Review of “The Four Gospels and the One Gospel of Jesus Christ: an Investigation of the Collection and Origin of the Canonical Gospels.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:636). 2002. 498-499.
- Review of “The Unity of Luke-Acts.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:635). 2002. 376-377.
- Review of “Jesus and the Heritage of Israel: Luke’s Narrative Claim upon Israel’s Legacy.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:634). 2002. 250-250.
- “The Purpose Driven ETS: Where Should We Go? A Look at Jesus Studies and Other Example Cases.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (45:1). 2002. 3-33.
- Review of “The Criteria for Authenticity in Historical-Jesus Research: Previous Discussion and New Proposals.” Bibliotheca Sacra (159:633). 2002. 125-127.
- Review of “Jesus outside the New Testament: an Introduction to the Ancient Evidence.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:631). 2001. 381-381.
- Review of “Story As History, History As Story: the Gospel Tradition in the Context of Ancient Oral History.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:630). 2001. 245-245.
- “When Sin Reigns.” Christianity Today Online. September 13, 2001.
- Review of “The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity.” Bibliotheca Sacra (158:629). 2001. 125-126.
- “Extra-Biblical Evidence for Jesus’ Existence: Signs of His Presence from Outside Scripture.” Mishkan (33). 2000. 13-26.
- “Introduction of the IBR Jesus Group.” Bulletin for Biblical Research (10). 2000. 259-60.
- Review of “Jesus the Miracle Worker: a Historical and Theological Study.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:628). 2000. 503-505.
- “No More Hollow Jesus : In Focusing so Intently on Jesus the Man, Peter Jennings’ Report Missed the Big Picture.” Christianity Today (44:9). 2000. 73-73.
- Review of “The Jesus Crisis: the Inroads of Historical Criticism into Evangelical Scholarship.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:626). 2000. 232-236.
- Review of “The Historical Jesus in the 20th Century: 1900-1950.” Bibliotheca Sacra (157:625). 2000. 115-116.
- “Bible Study: The Claims of Christ; Jesus: The Forgiver of Sins–Freed from Our ‘Cage’ of Sin.” Decision. October 1999.
- Review of “Das Evangelium Nach Lukas. Bd 3/2, Lk 9.51-14.35.” Review of Biblical Literature (1). 1999. 274-276.
- “Why I Am a Dispensationalist with a Small “D”.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (41). 1998. 383-396.
- Review of “Luke-Acts: Angels, Christology and Soteriology.” Bibliotheca Sacra (155). 1998. 245-246.
- “Jesus V Sanhedrin : Why Jesus “Lost” His Trial.” Christianity Today (42). 1998. 48-50.
- “When the Jesus Seminar Meets Jesus Under Fire: On Which Side Does History Fall?” Princeton Theological Review (4). 1997. 3-8
- Review of “The Book of Acts and Paul in Roman Custody.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (40). 1997. 469-470.
- Review of “Jesus’ Exposition of the Old Testament in Luke’s Gospel.” Evangelical Quarterly (69). 1997. 160-161.
- “Key Jewish Texts on Blasphemy and Exaltation and the Jewish Examination of Jesus.” Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers (36). 1997. 115-160.
- “The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus and the Ethics of Jesus.” Southwestern Journal of Theology (40). 1997. 63-72.
- Review of “Theological Lexicon of the New Testament, 3 V.” Bibliotheca Sacra (153). 1996. 249-250.
- Review of “Septuagint Quotations in the Context of the Petrine and Pauline Speeches of the Acta Apostolorum.” Biblica (77:4). 1996. 567-570.
- “My Un-American Faith : Why I Stopped “Doing” All I Could for God.” Christianity Today (40). 1996. 21-23.
- “Scandal? A Forum On the Evangelical Mind.” Christianity Today (39). 1995. 21-27.
- Review of “Stewardship and the Kingdom of God: An Historical, Exegetical and Contextual Study of the Parable of the Unjust Steward in Luke 16:1-13.” Evangelical Quarterly (67). 1995. 270-271.
- Review of “Luke 9:21-18:34.” Themelios (20). 1995. 23-24.
- Review of “Issues in Dispensationalism.” Bibliotheca Sacra (152). 1995. 98-101.
- Review of “Rethinking the Unity of Luke and Acts.” Bibliotheca Sacra (152). 1995. 116-117.
- Review of “The Death of the Messiah: from Gethsemane to the Grave: a Commentary on the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels, 2 V.” Christianity Today (38). 1994. 34-34.
- “Charting Dispensationalism : A Group of Progressive Scholars Is Mapping out a Dispensational Theology for a New Era.” Christianity Today (38). 1994. 26-29.
- Review of “The Acts of the Apostles.” Bibliotheca Sacra (151). 1994. 371-372.
- “Current Messianic Activity and OT Davidic Promise : Dispensationalism, Hermeneutics, and NT Fulfillment.” Trinity Journal (15:1). 1994. 55-87.
- Review of “Historiography and Self-definition: Josephus, Luke-Acts and Apologetic Historiography.” Westminster Theological Journal (56:1). 1994. 193-195.
- “The Son of David and the Saints’ Task : The Hermeneutics of Initial Fulfillment.” Bibliotheca Sacra (150). 1993. 440-457.
- Review of “Centering on God: Method and Message in Luke-Acts.” Bibliotheca Sacra (150). 1993. 375-376.
- Review of “Luke 1-9:20.” Bibliotheca Sacra (150). 1993. 376-376.
- Review of “Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, V 2: Ex-Ophōnion.” Bibliotheca Sacra (150). 1993. 111-112.
- Review of “Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon.” Bibliotheca Sacra (150). 1993. 124-124.
- Review of “From Jewish Prophet to Gentile God: The Origins and Development of New Testament Christology.” Criswell Theological Review (6). 1993. 327-329.
- “Arrogance Is Not a Family Value.” Christianity Today (36). 1992. 10-10.
- Review of “Gospel and Spirit: Issues in New Testament Hermeneutics.” Bibliotheca Sacra (149). 1992. 496-496.
- Review of “To Touch the Text: Biblical and Related Studies in Honor of Joseph A Fitzmyer.” Evangelical Quarterly (64). 1992. 178-179.
- Review of “Acts.” Criswell Theological Review (6). 1992. 138-140.
- Review of “Narrative Theology in Early Jewish Christianity.” Bibliotheca Sacra (149). 1992. 124-125.
- “Back to the Future.” Kindred Spirit. Winter 1991-92.
- Review of “A Midrash Reader.” Bibliotheca Sacra (148). 1991. 374-375.
- “The Son of Man in Luke 5:24.” Bulletin for Biblical Research (1). 1991. 109-21.
- “Understanding Luke’s Task : Carefully Building on Precedent (Luke 1:1-4).” Criswell Theological Review (5). 1991. 183-201.
- Review of “The Progress of Redemption.” Themelios (16). 1990. 28-29.
- “The Use of the Old Testament in Luke-Acts : Christology and Mission.” Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers (29). 1990. 494-511.
- Review of “Understanding Dispensationalists.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (32). 1989. 542-544.
- Review of “Rethinking Realized Eschatology.” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 469–470.
- Review of “Interpreting the Synoptic Gospels.” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 353-354.
- Review of “Luke the Theologian: Thirty-Three Years of Research (1950-1983).” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 354-354.
- Review of “Jerusalem: The Temple and the New Age in Luke-Acts.” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 355-355.
- Review of “Sharing the Eucharistic Bread: The Witness of the New Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 355-355.
- “A Review of The Gospel According to Jesus, by J F MacArthur, Jr, 1988.” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 21-40.
- Review of “The First Epistle to the Corinthians.” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 101-102.
- Review of “A Rabbinic Commentary on the New Testament: The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.” Bibliotheca Sacra (146). 1989. 111-111.
- Review of “The Bible in the Churches: How Different Christians Interpret the Scriptures.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (30). 1987. 231-233.
- “Is Matthew Midrash.” Bibliotheca Sacra (144). 1987. 157-180.
- Review of “New Gospel Parallels, V 1: The Synoptic Gospels.” Bibliotheca Sacra (144). 1987. 234-235.
- Review of “New Gospel Parallels, V 2: John and the Other Gospels.” Bibliotheca Sacra (144). 1987. 234-235.
- Review of “A Student’s Manual of New Testament Greek Accents.” Bibliotheca Sacra (144). 1987. 116-117.
- Review of “The Uses of the Old Testament in the New.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (29:4). 1986. 488-490.
- Review of “The Message of 1 Corinthians.” Bibliotheca Sacra (143). 1986. 376-377.
- Review of “The Uses of the Old Testament in the New.” Bibliotheca Sacra (143). 1986. 279-280.
- “Jesus As Lord in Acts and in the Gospel Message.” Bibliotheca Sacra (143). 1986. 146-154.
- Review of “The Spirit and the Congregation: Studies in 1 Corinthians 12-15.” Bibliotheca Sacra (143). 1986. 182-183.
- Review of “Daniel and Revelation: Riddles or Realities.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (29:1). 1986. 106-108.
- Review of “Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.” Bibliotheca Sacra (143). 1986. 85-86.
- “Evangelicals and the Use of the Old Testament in the New.” Bibliotheca Sacra (142). 1985. 306-319.
- Review of “The Ascension of Our Lord.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (28:3). 1985. 346-347.
- “Evangelicals and the Use of the Old Testament in the New.” Bibliotheca Sacra (142). 1985. 209-223.
- Review of “The Resurrection Narratives: A Redactional Study.” Bibliotheca Sacra (142). 1985. 282-283.
- Review of “Colossians, Philemon.” Bibliotheca Sacra (142). 1985. 187-188.
- Review of “Semantics of New Testament Greek.” Bibliotheca Sacra (141). 1984. 371-371.
- Review of “Biblical Words and Their Meaning: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics.” Bibliotheca Sacra (141). 1984. 280-281.
- Review of “Typos: The Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New.” Bibliotheca Sacra (140). 1983. 274-275.
- Review of “The Other Gospels: Non-Canonical Gospel Texts.” Bibliotheca Sacra (140). 1983. 282-282.
- Review of “A Christological Catechism.” Bibliotheca Sacra (140). 1983. 79-80.
Darrell L. Bock’s Contributions

Reading Literature Well

Is Christianity a Western Religion?

Engaging Culture Through Film

A Glimpse of the African-American Church: Classic

Law and Justice

Why Bible Exposition Matters

A Look at the IVF Controversy

Urban Ministry and Cross-Cultural Ministry: Classic

Postmodern: Questions and Answers

Evangelicalism since 1924

Christianity in South Africa

Feminism and Womanism: What’s the Difference?

Should Christians Use IVF? – Classic

Cultural Engagement and Apologetics – Classic

How Jewish is Christianity?

Field Reports from the Middle East

The Impact of The Chosen Series

A Good Word: ἐλπίς “hope” (in 1 Peter 3:15)

Situation in Israel

600th Episode: Our Story

Christianity, Politics, and the Public Space: What is the Connection? – Classic

Dispensationalism and Evangelicals

Apologetics, AI, and Fiction